Construction on CCHMP’s main
project, the medical/dental clinic, began on the very first trip in 2001 when
footings were dug in the hard Haitian soil.
The 3000-square foot structure is
made of handmade concrete blocks, some of which were made on-site by local
craftsmen. The clinic features 13
rooms, plus two large open porch areas that are used as waiting rooms with
protection from the hot tropical sun.
A cement block security wall surrounds the entire compound, protecting the group’s investment.
Currently, the clinic employs
seven full-time employees. The
doctor’s salary is paid by the St. Paul Haiti Mission Project (SPHMP), CCHMP's
sister group based at St. Paul's
Episcopal Church in Dedham, MA. The nurse, pharmacy assistant, and the
record keepers’ salaries are paid for by HOPEH.
The nurse’s assistant’s salary is paid for by CCHMP. Haitians pay a
small fee to obtain medical or dental care. These fees cover the housekeeper and
gatekeeper’s salaries.
The clinic is in the process of being licensed by the Haitian Ministry of
Health. Over-the-counter medications are provided by CCHMP and SPHMP. The
clinic’s pharmaceutical medications are obtained from the International
Dispensary Association in the
with the assistance of the Zanmi Lasante organization in
Haiti. The Zanmi Lasante was established by Harvard professor
Dr. Paul Farmer, who
began his work in Haiti
in 1982.
American medical and dental professionals have traveled with CCHMP teams
and provided services at the clinic. These
services have included:
CCHMP has provided support to two schools – Loperon and Paredon. These
villages are approximately 4-5 miles from Juampas, and each school has
approximately 150 students. During CCHMP trips, school supplies have been delivered to these two “one-room” schools that double as churches.
During the February 2008 trip, CCHMP measured the depth of a well in
Loperon. Villagers were using a
bucket and rope to obtain their water from the well; in June 2008 CCHMP provided a hand
pump to make it easier for them to obtain water. Click
here to see photos from the June 2008 trip, including installation of the pump.
CCHMP has also started a dental
fluoride rinse every other week for Loperon students.
Eventually the clinic will be operated completely by solar
CCHMP has purchased 64 solar panels for installation on the roof of the
clinic. The panels will supply all
of the clinic’s electric power. A
gasoline generator will be used as a back-up power source.
CCHMP also purchased a vaccine refrigerator; several solar panels have
already been installed to operate it.
Malaria, transmitted by mosquitoes, kills more than 1 million people a
year. SPHMP has provided mosquito
netting in the homes of some of the area’s pregnant women.
In developing countries, four-fifths of all the illnesses are caused by
water-borne diseases, with diarrhea being the leading cause of childhood death,
many medical sources say. CCHMP has
partnered with the organization called "Clean Water for
Haiti" which works to provide sustainable solutions to the water crisis in
CCHMP has named its water project "Safe Water of Juampas" or
"SWOJ" for short.
Through Biosand filter projects CWH
is able to provide a simple, effective, and affordable solution to the lack of
clean water sources for Haitian families. The household slow sand Biosand filter
is a simple design that uses basic readily available materials, allows for easy
production, and they are easy to transport. There are no moving parts, they do
not require electricity and can be used by even the youngest members of the
family. With minimal maintenance a Biosand filter can work effectively for over
20 years and can be manufactured, delivered and installed for about $40 US.
here for more information on this project.
Plumpy'nut, also known
as Plumpy, is a peanut-based food
for use in famine relief which was formulated in 1999.
Plumpy’nut is made of peanut butter, powdered milk, powdered sugar, and
enriched with vitamins and minerals; it's said to taste like a peanut butter
paste. CCHMP has started distribution of Plumpy’nut to
undernourished Haitian children. Click
here for more information on Plumpy'nut.
CCHMP has delivered copies of Creole language Bibles to the people of
to spread the Word of God.

last updated: January 21, 2013 10:04:20 -0600